Which Food Items Are Bad For Your Teeth?

We are all aware of the food items that are good for our pearly whites. From calcium-enriched products to dairy items, the list is endless. But are you aware of the food items that can cause damage to your oral health? You will be surprised to know that we consume these items almost every day. Our dentists at Village Family Dental have compiled a list for better clarity and improved knowledge. Let us take a look at the list and find out what to avoid.

Which Food Items Are Bad For Your Teeth?

There are so many facts about our teeth that we are unaware of. The food that we eat daily plays an important role in maintaining the health of our teeth. It can deteriorate our dental condition or improve it considerably. Regulate the consumption of the food items mentioned below to enjoy good oral hygiene.

Sugary Food Items And Beverages

We are all aware of the harmful effects of sugar. Since childhood, we have been taught to cut down on our sugar consumption. It is not just bad for our overall health, but our oral health as well. The bacteria present in our mouths love sugar and feed on it. As a result, they produce a kind of acid that ultimately leads to tooth decay. Reduce your sugar intake. This will automatically reduce the amount of time you spend in your dentist’s chair.

Certain Fruits

Most of us enjoy our oranges and can’t stop raving about their benefits for our bodies. But, did you know that citric fruits can be harmful to your teeth? Citric acid can lead to enamel erosion due to which you could suffer from tooth sensitivity. Remember to rinse your mouth after consuming them. The water will help to wash down the acid and reduce the chances of corrosion. If you love drinking the juice of these fruits, then you must use a straw to avoid any damage.


Enjoy munching on ice? Well, ice cubes are terrible for your teeth. Just like citrus fruits. Ice can also erode your enamel. You might suffer from loose teeth and speed up the process of tooth decay. You can switch to chilled water instead.


Yes, you read it right. Bread can do more harm than good to your oral health. Your saliva breaks down the starch present in your bread. Often this starch can stick onto the surfaces of your teeth and accumulate in inaccessible areas of your mouth. This leads to several oral health complications in the future. You can eat whole wheat versions of the bread. It contains less sugar and is a less damaging alternative.


Consuming alcohol in large quantities can be extremely harmful to your teeth. It reduces saliva production and might even lead to halitosis. Alcohol is a big no-no since it stains your pearly whites and can lead to tooth discoloration. You will notice your dentist asking you to avoid tobacco and alcohol after every dental procedure and especially after a teeth whitening treatment. Just minimize your alcohol consumption to maintain good oral health.

We hope this list will help you to be more mindful of what you eat. Are you looking for the best dental care services in Dallas, TX? Book an appointment with us at Village Family Dental today! Your favorite dentist in Duncanville will take care of all your dental needs and provide you with ultimate comfort.


4 Reasons that Could Lead to Bad Breath in Children

Children can combat dental diseases even when they grow up. But for that, parents must start incorporating good oral habits in them right from a tender age. Halitosis or bad breath is one of the most common dental issues experienced by children. The reasons behind it are many and finding out the primary cause can help cure bad breath.

Kids may not know why it is essential for every individual to maintain a meticulous dental routine. But, giving them an insight into it can make a difference.

Today, let’s discuss the major causes of halitosis in children

Bad Breath Can Generate from the Food Your Little One is Eating

There could be an unpleasant smell in your child’s mouth if the little one eats anything that has a strong odor. Garlic and onion come under the category of foods that diminishes the freshness of your breath. Therefore, make sure your child rinses his mouth properly after eating such foods or else the smell could persist.

Poor or Deteriorating Oral Hygiene

A proper dental hygiene will not only prevent bad breath in children, but would also restrain the emergence of innumerable oral diseases. Not brushing and flossing properly or leaving the tongue uncleaned certainly give rise to a persistent bad breath. Thus, you have to make sure your little one is following all the good dental habits.

If Your Little One is Experiencing Dry Mouth

Saliva formation is important to prevent bacteria that causes bad breath. It contains antimicrobial enzymes that can wash away the bacteria and keep the mouth healthy. Thus, it is important for your little one to stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water will keep the mouth moist and prevent halitosis.

If Your Child Breathes Through Mouth

Your little one could breathe through his mouth if he is suffering from cough & cold. He can experience a stuffy nose due to the condition which can make breathing difficult through the mouth and this later leads to halitosis.

Now that you know the reasons that could cause bad breath in your little one, get an insight into the dental habits that can prevent the condition.

  • Don’t let your kid gorge on an excessive amount of acidic or sugary foods.
  • Make your little one brush and floss twice daily.
  • Replace your child’s toothbrush after every two to three months.
  • Make your child rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash.

We believe in putting a smile on your child’s face by resolving all the dental problems which the little one goes through. Call us at (972) 780-1919if you are looking for good pediatric dentistry services.

Causes of Persisting Bad Breath and How to Get Rid of It

Bad breath is also termed as halitosis which can emerge due to several causes and is one of the most common reasons for people to seek oral care. Taking a few simple steps can help prevent the unpleasant odor and keep your mouth healthy.
You may face embarrassments if you suffer from chronic bad breath and we have discussed the causes as well as the remedies to cure halitosis in this post.

Let’s look into the causes first.

When You Don’t Take  Proper Care of Your Oral Health

You must know that the bacteria which live in your mouth can lead to some severe dental issues. Not following the basic rule of oral care, that is brushing and flossing twice a day can certainly give rise to bad breath. The trapped food particles rot with time and cause halitosis that lingers. Cleaning your tongue regularly is also mandatory because the bacteria reside there as well. Therefore, take utmost care of your oral hygiene to get rid of bad breath.

It Could Be Due to a Dry Mouth

Your mouth is prone to bacteria when the saliva formation is minimal and this generally happens when your mouth is dry. It can take place if you breathe through your mouth or if there is a problem in your saliva glands. Bad breath can also emerge due to other medical conditions.

If You Do Crash Diets

You may feel that crash dieting does wonders to your body, but did you know that it can lead to halitosis? Fasting and low-carbohydrate diets break down the body fat which produces ketones which further give rise to bad breath. High levels of ketones can even lead to diabetes.

Now, take a look at the remedies which can help you get rid of bad breath.

Stop Smoking Immediately

Smoking cigarettes is one of the primary reasons behind bad breath. It can even make your teeth discolored and cause innumerable mouth related diseases.

Hydrate Yourself

It has already been mentioned above that a dry mouth is one of the causes of halitosis, therefore, hydrating yourself is essential. Drink a lot of water every day to prevent bad breath.

Swish Your Mouth With an Antibacterial Mouthwash

Doing this every day will keep chronic bad breath away.

Chew Sugarless Gums

Chewing on sugarless gums can stimulate the flow of saliva in your mouth which will play a big role in preventing halitosis.

Don’t let the condition of your dental problems turn into something more severe. Call us right away at (972) 780-1919 to schedule your appointment and get it treated.