All About Different Kinds Of Dental X-Rays

Dental X-rays can find problems in your mouth, teeth, gums, and jaw before they get too bad. Taking care of problems before they get worse can save money, pain, and even your life.

What Are Dental X-Rays And Why Do You Need Them?

Getting an X-ray at the dentist may not be high on your favorite things. Even for a few seconds, it’s not fun to wear that heavy apron and hold a sometimes uncomfortable tool between your teeth.

But X-rays show a lot to dentists. X-rays show how your teeth, roots, jaw, and facial bones are made up and how they are in shape. They also help them find and treat problems with their teeth when they are young.

X-rays are energy that can pass through solid objects or be taken in by them. This energy is taken in by hard tissues like teeth and bones, and shows up as light-colored spots on an X-ray. X-rays can pass through less dense things like gums and cheeks, which show up on X-ray film as dark spots.

X-rays can help find problems that can’t be seen by just looking at the teeth. If you find and fix problems before they worsen, you might save money, avoid pain , and maybe even save your life.

What Kinds Of Issues Can Dental X-rays Find?

Your dentist can find out what’s wrong with your teeth and jaws with the help of Dental X-rays.

Dental X-rays of adults show:

  • Decay, especially in small spots between the teeth.
  • Decay under the fillings.
  • Loss of jaw bone.
  • Changes in the bone or root canal.
  • The condition and position of your teeth can help you get ready for tooth implants, braces, dentures, or other dental work.
  • Abscesses (an infection at the root of a tooth or between the gum and a tooth).
  • Some types of cysts and tumors.

What Are The Different Kinds Of X-rays For The Teeth?

There are two main types of dental X-rays: intraoral, in which the X-ray film is placed inside the mouth, and extraoral (the X-ray film is outside the mouth).

The most common kind of dental X-ray is one that is taken inside the mouth. Intraoral X-rays come in a few different kinds. Each one shows something different about teeth.The types of Intraoral X-Rays are:


Bitewing X-rays show details of the upper and lower teeth in one part of the mouth. Each bitewing shows a tooth from its crown, the visible part, to the level of the bone that supports it. Bitewing X-rays can find cavities between teeth and gum disease-related changes in the thickness of bone. Bitewing X-rays can also help determine if a crown (a cap that goes all the way around a tooth) or other restorations (such as bridges) will fit right. It can also see if dental fillings are wearing out or falling apart.


Periapical X-rays show the whole tooth, from the top, where the crown is, to the bottom, where the root meets the jaw. Each periapical X-ray shows all the teeth in either the upper or lower jaw in one section. Periapical X-rays look for strange changes in the root and bone structures around it.


Occlusal X-rays show how a whole arch of teeth in the upper or lower jaw grows and fits together.X-rays taken outside the mouth are used to find dental problems in the jaw and head. There are different kinds of X-rays done outside the mouth.

On a single X-ray, a panoramic view of the mouth shows all the teeth in both the upper and lower jaws. This X-ray can find the position of both fully grown and growing teeth, see impacted teeth, and help determine what’s wrong with a tumor.

Tomograms only show a certain layer or “slice” of the mouth. Other layers are blurred out. This X-ray looks at structures that are hard to see because other structures block them.


In cephalometric projections, a whole side of the head is shown. This X-ray looks at the teeth and their fit with the jaw and the person’s profile. Orthodontists use this X-ray to figure out the best way to move each patient’s teeth.


Sialogram involves injecting a dye into the salivary glands so they can be seen on X-ray film. Salivary glands are soft tissue, so an X-ray would not show them. Dentists may order this test to check for problems with the salivary glands, like blockages or Sjogren’s syndrome .


Dental computed tomography (CT) is a way to look at the inside of things in three dimensions (three dimensions). This type of imaging is used to find problems like cysts, tumors, and fractures in the bones of the face.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography

Cone beam CT is an X-ray that makes 3-D pictures of bone, soft tissue, nerves, and dental structures. It helps plan the placement of tooth implants and checks for cysts and tumors in the mouth and face. It can also see problems with the gums, tooth roots, and jaws. In some ways, cone beam CT is the same as regular CT. They both make accurate images and are of high quality. But there are differences in how pictures are taken. The cone beam CT machine spins around the patient’s head, taking all the data in one turn. In a traditional CT scan, the machine goes around the patient’s head several times, taking “flat slices” of the head each time. Patients also get more radiation when this method is used. One of its best features is that cone beam CT can be used in a dentist’s office. The only places with dental computed CT equipment are hospitals and imaging centers.

2-D dental imaging

Digital imaging is 2-D dental imaging that lets pictures go straight from a camera to a computer. The images can be seen on-screen, saved, or printed in a few seconds. Digital imaging has more benefits than traditional X-rays in many other ways. For example, a picture of a tooth can be improved and made bigger. This makes it easier for your dentist to see even the smallest changes that can’t be seen during an oral exam. Also, if needed, images can be sent electronically to another dentist or specialist for a second opinion or a new dentist. X-rays also use more radiation than digital imaging does.

MRI imaging is a way to get a 3-D picture of the mouth, including the jaw and teeth. 

How Often Should X-rays Be Taken Off Teeth?

How often you need X-rays depends on your medical and dental history and how you are right now. Some people might need an X-ray every six months. Some people may only need X-rays every couple of years if they haven’t had tooth or gum disease in the last few years and have regular visits with their dentist. At the first visit for a new patient, X-rays may be taken. First-visit X-rays are compared with older X-rays to look for problems and changes that don’t make sense. People who are more likely to have dental problems may need to get X-rays more often. Among these people are:

  • Children usually need more X-rays because their teeth and jaws are still growing, and their teeth are more likely to have cavities than adults.
  • Adults who have had a lot of work done to their teeth, like fillings: To look for decay under fillings or in new places.
  • People who drink a lot of sugary drinks should have their teeth checked for cavities.

People With Gum Disease

People with dry mouth, whether because of medications (like antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, antihistamines, and others) or health problems (like Sjogren’s syndrome, damaged salivary glands, or radiation treatment to the head and neck), can drink water to help keep their mouths moist. When your mouth is dry, cavities can form. For smokers, keep an eye on the bone loss caused by gum disease (smokers are at increased risk of gum disease).Yo can visit our dental clinic for the best dental X-ray related diagnostic procedures.

Why Taking Care of My Toothbrush is Important?

Your toothbrush is the most necessary tool in your home to maintain your teeth pearly white & healthy. If used twice a day, your toothbrush will help you clear off tooth decay, gum disease, and also bad breath. Brushing has a vital role to play in your daily life. Unchecked gum infection is the reason for tooth loss for adults.

Our dentist says that every patient asks us; how to clean a toothbrush properly and use them. We provide knowledge to our patients about everything they can do to maintain their oral hygiene. Be it the proper way of brushing & flossing or eating habits. 

To Brush or Not to Brush

Keeping your teeth clean is about clearing plaque from settling on your teeth. Plaque is fed by the sugars you eat, casting acids that break tooth enamel & scrape the gums, which become swollen & tender. Cleaning teeth can help eliminate gum disease in the early stages. Otherwise, gum bags can form, letting bacteria ruin the supportive bone keeping the teeth in place until they fall out.

Breaking Down the Toothbrush

There are three types of toothbrushes: soft, medium, and firm. The dentist recommended a soft-bristled brush to protect tooth enamel and exposed gum tissue. Small brush heads serve your mouth better than large ones so, you can clean near the molars too. Bristle designs come in varieties, like flat bristles or rippled bristles, so pick one that feels right for you and as per your requirement.

Electric vs. Manual Toothbrushes

Manual toothbrushes are easy and effective, but many people prefer an electric version over a manual one for ease. Kids do not have the skills to use an ordinary toothbrush, so it is better to provide them with an electric toothbrush. Senior citizens also can effectively clean their teeth using an electric toothbrush. Only 2-3 minutes of brushing is enough twice a day.

Caring for Your Toothbrush

Keep your toothbrush vertical in an open container so it can dry out after you finish brushing. Never allow anyone to use your toothbrush, even with healthy family members. Wash or rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after every use. Our dentist in Dallas recommends using a toothbrush for about 4 to 6 months. You must change your toothbrush with a new soft-bristled one.

Brushing your teeth has many benefits & offers you a healthy & beautiful smile. You need to make sure that you brush all around your teeth, front, back, side for about 2-3 minutes twice a day. 

Dental Care Office In Dallas

Every dentist will recommend you get a dental exam done to keep your oral health up to date. Take professional preventive dental care from experts in Dallas to get your oral hygiene checked.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our expert dental care specialist. Our dental office is located in Dallas to serve you well with all your needs. Call us at (972) 780-1919 if you have any questions or want to schedule a visit with our dentist. 


Avoid These Habits To Get Healthy Teeth & Gums

Everyone in their childhood has been taught not to do certain things to their teeth as not to damage them. For some time that did work, but as we grew old, not only did some of us start doing those things, but we took it to next level and made them a habit. If repeated those habits can cause a lot of severe damage to our teeth and gums. To know more about those habits which you must avoid, read on to learn some of the worse habits that the best medical professional would suggest you quit to preserve your smile.

Biting Your Finger Nails

Many of us are guilty of doing this while sitting and doing nothing. When you are tensed or just sitting you start biting your nails. All the parents have told their children to stop doing right away. As you go through the day, you pick up a lot of bacteria from everything you’ve touched or if you have a small cut in your mouth, putting your fingers may not only get you sick but create an infection. So, for the sake of your oral health care, quit or try to avoid biting your nails.

Night Binge Eating 

After a hectic day, it is so tempting to just sit on a couch and watch a favorite movie while eating everything. Although this is fine, yet, binge eating can cause damage to your teeth and gums. Even if it’s healthy food, it can still lead to cavities and poor oral health.

Chewing Or Smoking Tobacco

You can’t ignore the fact that tobacco &  smoking has negative effects on your oral health but people still use them every day. This habit often becomes a deadly addiction all thanks to the chemicals present in tobacco. Yet, if a person does not quit, it can lead to severe health issues.

Never Open Packages With Your Teeth

Yes, you heard it right opening packages and removing tags with your teeth can save your time but sometimes it is better to spend 5 extra minutes finding scissors rather than using your teeth. Although it may seem harmless, ripping plastic can not only cut your gum but can also break or chip your tooth.

Drinking Acidic Drinks

Every dentist would suggest you some tips to have healthy teeth and gums, & one of them will be to avoid acidic drinks.  Many of those drinks do have some benefits. Yet, too much of anything can quickly lead to some serious health issues. Acidy drinks can cause the decay of your teeth faster than it would normally take.

Too Much Caffeine

No doubt coffee is delicious and sipping that first cup makes your morning a good morning. However, too much coffee intake can cause your teeth to stain into a dull yellow color. That is why most patients are looking for teeth whitening services.

Not Brushing Or Flossing Daily

Usually, the habits that you don’t do make a huge difference to your oral health. Through daily brushing and flossing, you can avoid further damage to your teeth and gums.

Teeth Grinding

When people get nervous their habits come out, for instance, some start tapping fingers on the desk, shaking the leg, or the worst grinding their teeth. This can start to chip teeth & a person could also lose their enamel. In this case, you must speak with your oral health doctor and see what choices you have to stop this habit.

Harsh Brushing Of Your Teeth

This is a popular belief that brushing harder is going to make your teeth look cleaner & whiter. You are not doing good to yourself by brushing harder, in fact, you are hurting yourself. When you brush too hard the bristles of your toothbrush quickly start cutting your gums without you even realizing it. Next thing you know, you’re spitting out blood. Gentle brushing in a circular manner is the best way.

As humans, we are regularly developing bad oral habits throughout our lifetime. Bad habits are unintentional, but oral habits can cause problems, pain, and cost you a lot of money.

Schedule an appointment today with the dentist near you in Duncanville, Dallas. If your oral bad habit has caused damage to your teeth and gums get yourself a consultation & contact us.


10 Effective Tips To Have Healthy Teeth And Gums

A lifetime of dental care is required to achieve healthy teeth. Even if you’ve been told you have lovely teeth, it’s critical to take the proper steps to care for them and avoid problems every day. This includes using the proper oral care products and being aware of your regular behaviors.

Do Brush Your Teeth Every Day

It’s no secret that brushing your teeth at least twice a day is recommended. Despite this, many of us continue to clean our teeth at night. Brushing before bed, on the other hand, removes bacteria and plaque that have accumulated during the day.

It Is Necessary to Use Proper Brushing Techniques

Brushing your teeth properly is just as important as brushing them at all. To eliminate plaque, take your time and move the toothbrush in gentle, circular motions. Plaque that is not removed might harden, causing calculus and gingivitis (early gum disease).

Never Skip Cleaning Your Tongue

Plaque can also accumulate on the tongue. Not only may this cause bad breath, but it can also cause other oral health issues. Brush your tongue gently after brushing your teeth.

You Should Use A Fluoride Toothpaste

There are more crucial aspects to look for in toothpaste than whitening power and flavors. Make sure it contains fluoride, regardless of the form you choose.

While fluoride has come under fire from individuals concerned about its effects on other parts of the body, it is still an important component of dental health. This is due to the fact that fluoride is a powerful anti-cavity agent. It works by battling bacteria that cause tooth decay and acting as a protective barrier for your teeth.

Flossing Regularly Is Absolutely Must

Flossing your teeth is as important as brushing every day. The reason behind it is pretty simple. A piece of floss helps to clean the areas that cannot be reached by your toothbrush. You need to know that flossing can feel really difficult in the beginning. But, it will become easy with time. It is advisable to floss before brushing your teeth for the best outcome.

Do Use A Mouthwash

Rinsing your mouth with mouthwash can be effective in fighting against the harmful bacteria present in your mouth. You can find numerous mouthwashes available at the market in today’s time, Pick up an option that suits your specific needs. Using an antibacterial mouthwash can also be a perfect solution. 

Drinking An Adequate Amount Of Water Is Necessary

Water is the finest beverage for overall health, as well as oral health. It’s also a good idea to drink water after each meal as a rule of thumb. In between brushing, this can help wash away some of the unpleasant effects of sticky and acidic meals and beverages. Also, less intake of water can affect the flow of saliva into your mouth and create an ideal circumstance for the growth of harmful bacteria. 

Include More Fruits And Vegetables In Your Diet

Make sure to include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Eating fresh is not just good for your teeth and gums but your overall general health. 

Limit Or Avoid Intake Of Sugary Beverages

Sugar eventually breaks down into acid in the mouth, which erodes the enamel of your teeth. Cavities are caused by these acids. Teeth enamel can be eroded by acidic fruits, drinks, and coffee. While you don’t have to completely avoid certain meals, it’s always a good idea to be cautious.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Your daily routines have a significant role in your overall oral health. Even the most diligent brushers and flossers need to visit the dentist on a regular basis. Cleanings and checkups with your dentist should be done at least twice a year. A dentist can not only remove calculus and check for cavities, but they may also detect possible problems and provide treatment options.

Some dental insurance providers will even pay for more frequent dental examinations. Take advantage of it if this is the situation for you. This is especially important if you have a history of dental problems like gingivitis or cavities. In case you are looking for the best dentist in Duncanville, TX, do book an appointment at Village Family Dental today. 

Incorporate the above-mentioned tips into your daily routine and have healthy teeth and gums. 


What is the purpose of dental sealants in oral health?

The chewing surfaces of the back teeth may have small grooves known as fissures. Tooth decay can easily begin in cracks where food can become trapped and cleaning is difficult. These grooves are too small for toothbrush bristles to enter and clean. Sealants are thin plastic coatings that are placed on the back teeth’ chewing surfaces. They help to reduce tooth decay by creating a smoother, easier-to-clean surface.

Who Should Get Sealants?

Before we continue, here is an overview of dental sealants. Sealants can benefit both children and adults, but the sooner you get them, the better. Your first molars appear around the age of six, and your second molars break out around the age of twelve. Sealing these teeth as soon as they develop can help keep them cavity-free right away, saving time and money in the long run.

How Do Sealants Work?

Consider them raincoats for your teeth. When cavity-causing bacteria that exist in everyone’s mouth come into contact with residual food particles, they develop acids that can cause holes in teeth. These are cavities. After the sealant is placed, it keeps food particles out and germs and acid from resting on your teeth, similar to how a raincoat keeps you clean and dry during a storm.

The Benefits of Dental Sealants

Do you have questions about Dental Sealants? Let us look at the benefits to understand how to find the best dentist. Contact Grand Mission Dentistry if you are searching for the best preventative dental treatment in Dallas, TX.

Shield Against Plaque and Food

One of the primary advantages of dental sealants is that they can function around the clock to protect the enamel of your teeth. Dental sealants act as a barrier, preventing plaque and food from forming in hard-to-reach places of your back molars. Sealants help prevent cavities, root canals, and the need for crowns by sealing the pits and cracks in your teeth.

Added Support for Your Oral Care Routine

Even if you brush and floss your teeth thoroughly, you may not be able to reach all of the cracks and crevices in your back teeth. Dental sealants operate to keep potentially harmful foods and plaque out of the mouth, which is difficult to reach and remove with brushing and flossing alone.

Painless Application

The treatment of dental sealants is virtually painless. When applying dental sealants, your dentist simply uses a brush to apply a liquid resin to the biting surface of each tooth. It only takes a few seconds for the resin to dry before rinsing the teeth. The operation is quick and painless, which is one of the most significant advantages of dental sealants.

Dental sealants have a long lifespan

Dental sealants can provide cavity protection for as long as 5 to 10 years. During your normal yearly or semi-annual dental check-up, your dentist will inspect the condition and care of your dental sealants. Dental sealants might become worn or chipped over time and would need to be replaced.

Dental sealants are easy to maintain and repair

One of the most major advantages of dental sealants is that they may be rapidly restored if they get worn or chipped. Your dentist will simply apply an extra sealant as needed to guarantee optimal protection against cavities and tooth decay.

We hope this blog has helped you understand the importance of sealants and how they can protect your teeth from decay. If you are looking for the best preventative dental care in Dallas, TX, visit Village Family Dental. Our team of skilled dentists provides the best dental care services to their patients.

Which Food Items Are Bad For Your Teeth?

We are all aware of the food items that are good for our pearly whites. From calcium-enriched products to dairy items, the list is endless. But are you aware of the food items that can cause damage to your oral health? You will be surprised to know that we consume these items almost every day. Our dentists at Village Family Dental have compiled a list for better clarity and improved knowledge. Let us take a look at the list and find out what to avoid.

Which Food Items Are Bad For Your Teeth?

There are so many facts about our teeth that we are unaware of. The food that we eat daily plays an important role in maintaining the health of our teeth. It can deteriorate our dental condition or improve it considerably. Regulate the consumption of the food items mentioned below to enjoy good oral hygiene.

Sugary Food Items And Beverages

We are all aware of the harmful effects of sugar. Since childhood, we have been taught to cut down on our sugar consumption. It is not just bad for our overall health, but our oral health as well. The bacteria present in our mouths love sugar and feed on it. As a result, they produce a kind of acid that ultimately leads to tooth decay. Reduce your sugar intake. This will automatically reduce the amount of time you spend in your dentist’s chair.

Certain Fruits

Most of us enjoy our oranges and can’t stop raving about their benefits for our bodies. But, did you know that citric fruits can be harmful to your teeth? Citric acid can lead to enamel erosion due to which you could suffer from tooth sensitivity. Remember to rinse your mouth after consuming them. The water will help to wash down the acid and reduce the chances of corrosion. If you love drinking the juice of these fruits, then you must use a straw to avoid any damage.


Enjoy munching on ice? Well, ice cubes are terrible for your teeth. Just like citrus fruits. Ice can also erode your enamel. You might suffer from loose teeth and speed up the process of tooth decay. You can switch to chilled water instead.


Yes, you read it right. Bread can do more harm than good to your oral health. Your saliva breaks down the starch present in your bread. Often this starch can stick onto the surfaces of your teeth and accumulate in inaccessible areas of your mouth. This leads to several oral health complications in the future. You can eat whole wheat versions of the bread. It contains less sugar and is a less damaging alternative.


Consuming alcohol in large quantities can be extremely harmful to your teeth. It reduces saliva production and might even lead to halitosis. Alcohol is a big no-no since it stains your pearly whites and can lead to tooth discoloration. You will notice your dentist asking you to avoid tobacco and alcohol after every dental procedure and especially after a teeth whitening treatment. Just minimize your alcohol consumption to maintain good oral health.

We hope this list will help you to be more mindful of what you eat. Are you looking for the best dental care services in Dallas, TX? Book an appointment with us at Village Family Dental today! Your favorite dentist in Duncanville will take care of all your dental needs and provide you with ultimate comfort.


What Are The Uses of Nitrous Oxide In Dentistry?


Many people tend to have panic attacks at the thought of visiting their dentists. They would rather tolerate the excruciating pain of a toothache or periodontal disease than go to a dental office. But there is a special branch of dentistry that only focuses on treating patients who suffer from dental anxiety or phobia. This particular department of dentistry is known as Sedation Dentistry. The dentists who specialize in this type of dentistry play an enormous role in eliminating dental anxiety in their patients. They use various kinds of dental anesthesia during dental procedures. One of the most popular sedatives that are used by them is Nitrous Oxide. But what is Nitrous Oxide? Read the blog to know more about it and how it is used in dentistry.

What is Nitrous Oxide? 

Nitrous Oxide is a very safe and efficient dental anesthesia that also contains a moderate level of oxygen. Dentists make their patients inhale the gas by fitting a small mask over their noses to help them relax. This sedative agent is also known as “laughing gas” and it is the most preferred option for dentists in case they need to calm their patients down. However, it is not meant to put the patient to sleep. The patient will be able to hear as well as interact or communicate with his or her dentist if it is required. 

Your dentist will ask you to breathe normally through your nose, to breathe the gas in. After a few minutes you will start to feel light-headed and a tingling sensation in your arms and legs. Different people react differently to nitrous oxide. Some patients have claimed their body, arms and legs feel heavy. Regardless, the dentist will need you to keep wearing the mask to ensure that you are getting a steady supply of the sedative agent. This is due to the reason that the effects tend to subside as soon as the mask is removed. 

The Uses of Nitrous Oxide In Dentistry 

As per American Dental Association, the usage and the inhalation of nitrous oxide and oxygen are deemed as a safe and potent option for treating several issues related to the patients. Now let us take a look at the various uses of nitrous oxide in dentistry:

  • Nitrous Oxide is used to treat patients that suffer from dental anxiety.
  • It is also used to calm down uncooperative patients.
  • It is used for patients who can have nervous reactions like gagging.
  • It is most suitable for young children who are scheduled for long and complex dental treatments.
  • Lastly, it is also highly recommended for patients who have problems with local anesthesia. 

We hope our blog has helped you in gaining sufficient knowledge about the uses of nitrous oxide in dentistry. If you looking for the best dentist in Dallas, Duncanville, then please visit us at Village Family Dental. Our team of dentists is the best in the field of sedation dentistry. 

Are You The Right Candidate for Fluoride Treatment?

The problem of dental cavities is a typical issue for both kids and grown-ups. This is due to the reason that, compared to kids, adults are more susceptible to microbes that harm their teeth. The diet of young adults can be blamed for this problem. Having said all this, to minimize the odds of getting bad breath and cavities, everybody needs fluoride treatment sooner or later in their life. Are you looking for the best treatment for pesky cavities? Are you tired of trying various home remedies for dental caries? You should give Fluoride Treatment a shot. This blog will solely focus on what is fluoride treatment and how to know whether you are the perfect candidate for it.

 What Is Fluoride Treatment?

Fluoride is generally used in dentistry to fortify the enamel, which is the outer layer of your teeth. It plays a huge role in preventing cavities. It is present in small quantities to public water of the US as well as in other countries. In addition to that, fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that can be found in rocks, soil, water, plants, and even air. It is also used in various products that are used to maintain oral health. These products consist of supplements, toothpaste, and mouthwashes. 

Fluoride treatments are mainly recommended by professional dentists. These products can be in the form of gel, froth, or stain which has a high amount of fluoride. Moreover, there are medicines that individuals can take at home but under the guidance and supervision of their neighborhood dentist. If you are wondering that, is it necessary to get fluoride treatment performed by professional dentists? If our drinking water and toothpaste contain fluoride, do we need to get this kind of treatment again? 

 Is It The Best Choice For You?

Some candidates fail to get adequate amounts of fluoride in their system. This is the very reason they tend to suffer from cavities and tooth decay. Therefore, professional fluoride treatment is the best for them. However, excessive intake of fluoride can be detrimental to one’s health as it causes fluorosis. Here are the factors that make a candidate suitable for this treatment:

  • People who regularly consume huge amounts of acidic or sugary foods and beverages.
  • People who suffer from dry mouth.
  • People who don’t maintain proper oral hygiene and health.
  • Those individuals who smoke and drink alcohol.
  • Those people who have weak enamels and suffer from cavities. 

We hope our blog has helped to gain a deeper understanding of the subject of fluoride treatments performed by professional dentists and how to know you are the right candidate for this treatment. In case you are looking for the best dental treatments in Dallas, Duncanville, please visit Village Family Dental. Our team of skilled dentists is capable of solving all kinds of dental conditions. 

Aftercare Tips for Wisdom Tooth Extraction


Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most common dental practices done all across the world. But, most of the mass fail to realize that it is a serious surgery and demands proper care aftercare. Here at the Village Family Dental, we believe that a patient requires to be attended to even after the treatment process for him/her to witness great results. Lacking knowledge about the aftercare tips will definitely make that impossible to happen. Keeping this in mind, we have come up with a blog that will cover all the information related to this topic. So, why wait anymore? Go through the sections below. 

What should you do after the wisdom tooth extraction?

Here are a few things to do right after getting your wisdom tooth removed at a dental clinic. Go through them and incorporate them into your life when in need.

  • Do tilt your head up. This will reduce the chances of swelling and help you eliminate the probability of facing serious discomfort.
  • Applying ice on your face for 24-48 hours after the wisdom tooth removal can also lessen pain and swelling.
  • You need to know that bleeding is pretty common in the case of wisdom tooth removal. But, you should panic in such a situation. On the other hand, use a gauge and keep biting it down. This can be of effective help to stop bleeding. 
  • Dentists recommend eating liquid or soft food items for the first few days of undergoing the wisdom tooth extraction session. You can start eating your regular diet after the wound starts to heal.
  • Doing a few jaw exercises on a regular basis can be of great help. These exercises mostly include opening and closing of the mouth. 
  • Drink an adequate amount of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • You should be very careful to follow the instructions prescribed by your dentist. Do take the medications on time. Not doing so can be the reason for intolerable pain. 
  • “Maintaining proper oral hygiene” stands important for all situations. The times after wisdom tooth removal is no exception. Do brush your teeth the day after the tooth gets extracted. But, you should avoid the area of wisdom tooth extraction.
  • If you feel that the situations are getting worse, do consult a dentist without any hesitation. 

What should you not do after wisdom tooth extraction?

Now, you have gained an idea about what to do after the process of wisdom tooth extraction, it is necessary to know about the steps to avoid. Go through the pointers below.

  • The first thing to avoid after getting your teeth extracted is giving up on the habit of smoking. Never use a straw to eat food. It is also advisable to not either spit or suck. Keeping this thing in mind will lessen the chances of not facing extreme pain and bleeding.
  • Do not eat hard food items for at least 7 days. These food items include potato chips, pretzel, popcorns, etc.
  • You should never wash your mouth in a very vigorous manner. On the other hand, you can use salt water to rinse your mouth. 
  • You should not apply ice packs after a span of 48 hours. It is recommended that apply mild heat on your face and the top of the wounds. 

We hope that this information turns helpful for you. In case of any further questions, do consult a dentist. Talking to a dental professional in person will provide you with the answer to all questions. Get in touch with Village Family Dental if you are looking for the best wisdom tooth extraction service in Dallas, TX. Thank you. 



Is your Wisdom tooth pulled out recently? Are you suffering from a dry socket? Dry socket means inflammation within an empty tooth socket. This dental problem can occur after tooth extraction.

How does a Dry Socket develop?

Generally, after a wisdom tooth removal, a blood clot forms over the tooth socket. The blood clot guards the nerve endings in the bone which is a natural part of the healing method.

In some cases, the blood clot either fails to develop or becomes dislodged. Accordingly, the bone and nerves in the socket get exposed to bacterial contamination. A dry socket takes time to heal, and it can be really painful.


  • blood clot lacking from the socket
  • severe pain in the gum or jaw
  •  bad breath
  • very bad taste coming from the socket
  • acute ear-aches
  • pain spreads throughout your face
  • bone can be exposed at the area of the extraction

How to Prevent Dry Socket?

Dry socket prevention is not too difficult.  According to the American Dental Association (ADA), a patient should avoid the following:

  • Creating suction: Smoking and drinking using a straw can create suction. This loosens your clot and delays healing. Quit these for at least a week.
  • Smoking: Smoking delays healing and also heightens blood pressure, which results in more bleeding. Chemicals such as nicotine minimize blood flow in the mouth and may disturb clotting.
  • Hard Food and Carbonated Drinks: Consume soft-foods for quite a few days. Drink plenty of water. Avoid hot food/drinks and chewing crunchy and spicy foods.
  • Spitting: Do not spit for the first few days.
  • Chewing from the same side: Chew on the side of your mouth opposite to the extraction area.
  • Vigorous mouth rinsing: Do not rinse your mouth too hard. It is essential to do it firmly in order to avoid interrupting the blood clot.
  • Alcohol: You should not consume alcoholic beverages or use a mouthwash containing alcohol for the first 24 hours. Or there is a chance of the clot becoming dislodged. 
  • Physical activity: Take some time to rest. You should decrease strenuous activity for the initial 24 hours. This lessens bleeding and helps the blood clot develop.
  • Poor Hygiene: Wait for a minimum of 24 hours before you wash the extraction area. Allow the clot to form. You can brush your other teeth and tongue. Gently rinse your mouth the next day with an antibacterial mouthwash.
  • Don’t poke into the gap with your tongue, finger, toothpick, tissue, or other stuff. It delays your healing time. 
  • Visit your Dentist: Make sure to visit your dentist at the scheduled time.

Get the care!

Are you in the search for a ‘Dentist near me’ in Dallas, TX? Then call us at Village Family Dental. Your Dentist in Dallas will provide you the best treatment and suggest you with the after-care so that you don’t experience a dry-socket.