root canal


Living with a decayed tooth, is quite painful ain’t it? The term “root canal” is based on ‘cleaning of the canals inside a tooth’s root’. Root canal treatment is actually a direct procedure to stop dental ache and shield your teeth that are severely decayed or infected. Because of serious decay, several dental proceedings on a tooth; or large fillings, a crack, or chip in the tooth, or severe injury to the face can make a tooth’s nerve and pulp irritated, inflamed, and infected.

When an individual undergoes a Root Canal Treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is taken out and the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, followed by filling and sealing.

 When do you need a Root Canal?    

Teeth consist of a softcore termed as dental pulp. The pulp stretches from the crown — the visible part of the tooth, till the apex of the tooth’s root in the jawbone. The pulp is composed of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When your tooth is cracked or has a terrible cavity, bacteria can make entry to the pulp. If you don’t see your dentist at the appropriate time, the tissue bonded to the tooth will get infected and an abscess may develop. An abscess is a pus-filled pocket that generates at the bottom of the roots of the tooth. This actually, will lead to pulp death, bone loss, and loss of the tooth itself.

 Symptoms may involve:

  • Swelling around your face, and neck, and other regions of the head
  • A hole in your tooth
  • Loss of bone around the top of the root
  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • Serious toothache while chewing or biting
  • Pimples on the gums
  • Swollen or tender gums
  • Intense decay or darkening of the gums
  • Temperature sensitivity (particularly hot and cold sensations)

What will your Dentist do in Dallas, TX?


There’s nothing to worry about if your dentist or endodontist at Village Family Dental, prescribes you a root canal method to cure your decayed tooth. This technique eases pain and restores healthy teeth.

A modern Root Canal Treatment can normally be done in one or two appointments, based on the condition of your tooth and your personal state. Firstly your doctor will take some dental X-rays to analyze the level of damage. You will also get a local anesthetic to tackle pain. Then a rubber-like sheet also termed as a dental dam is put in your mouth to keep the tooth clean, protected, and free of saliva. When the decay is cleared, an opening is created through the crown of the tooth to gain access to the pulp chamber. By making use of small dental tools, the infected or diseased pulp is taken out. The final step of the root canal is restoring your tooth. Once the filling is completed, a crown is installed- an artificial tooth that seems real.

 Follow a good oral regimen to help your restored tooth stay for a lifetime.

 What are the Benefits? 

  • Natural chewing
  • Efficient biting force and sensation
  • Natural appearance
  • Preserves other teeth from extreme wear or strain
Village Family Dental

Author: Village Family Dental

Dr. Paul Hung of Village Family Dental - Dentist in Duncanville has been serving in and around Dallas for more than a few years now. Read more